Community Feedback
The last few years we've been able to make a gift to the SLO County Food Bank's Hunger Awareness Day. We see this as a way to live the Gospel and be a Gospel presence in our community. This year we gave almost $2300 to the project. Here are a couple of thank you notes I received in return. These are not notes to me, but to the family of Grace for your generous giving to our community. . . be encouraged and blessed today . . .
Dear Pastor Tim,
A little thank you note seems wholly inadequate to thank you & your congregation for the amazing generosity that supported Hunger Awareness Day, but it's the best I've got! Thank you so much, not just for your contributions and your on-going care & concern for so many community issues, but also for the easy "yes" you extend to us. Your ready hearts & willing generosity are powerful guides to all of us- and I know that starts at the top, Pastor.
Thank you for every bit of it
Maggie Cox
Barnet Cox & Associates
Dear Pastor Tim and all our Friends at Grace Church,
Thank you so much for your support of Hunger Awareness Day! An official receipt will follow, but I want to say what an inspiration you are to us and a great encouragement to those whom we serve with healthy food. While we fell short of our goal, we raised $70,000! Your partnership is a blessing to us
Executive Director
Food Bank Coalition of SLO County