Wednesday, April 08, 2009

thievery & vandalism

Sadly, we've had two recent incidents of theft of cash from different locations on our campus. We are investigating and reviewing/revising all cash processing procedures. It's possible this is an "inside job", which really grieves my heart.

And then this week, I came cruising down Pismo on my bike to meet elder chairman Scott Morton for our weekly 6:30 am coffee only to discover that vandals had broken one of our new pots outside the Osos entrance. and ripped out a couple of plants along Pismo. I noticed that other homes along Pismo also had broken pots, so I am guessing this is more random and not spectifically targeted toward the church.

Our desire is to be as open as we can be. For 6 years I've complained about the myriad of locked doors on our campus. It's hard to maintain an open posture when stuff like this happens.

Pray for these theives and vandals today. Pray for our leadership that we won't over-react to these incidents, but find a Gospel balance between security/stewardship and open service.

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