The Potter's Clay: Family Worship
Precious post today over at Kate Hasson's blog about her Family Worship time with little Susanna. . . . moving and challenging! Keep it up, Kate!
The Potter's Clay: Family Worship
Contemplating and pursuing life together at Grace Church, SLO
Precious post today over at Kate Hasson's blog about her Family Worship time with little Susanna. . . . moving and challenging! Keep it up, Kate!
The Potter's Clay: Family Worship
Posted by
4:28 PM
In May, we explored the stories of 4 Women of Grace. . . Leah, Hannah, Abigail, and Rebekah. I've been encouraged by my own study and by the response of the people to the series. Any take-away thoughts on your end? Which woman's story did you connect with best?
Beginning this Sunday, and going through June, we'll look at 4 Men of Grace. Not surprisingly I've got way more than 4 men in mind, just as I had many more than 4 women. I'm having a hard time choosing, so I'm inviting suggestions. Are there any slightly more obscure men that you like to see me tackle?
Any bets on who who we'll look at this week?
Posted by
11:30 AM
Categories: men of grace, preaching
Did you see this article about the local couple pregnant with quadruplets in Sunday's Tribune? 05/27/2007 A, B, C, D. . . gee!
I had a chance to meet them as they visited our church yesterday, the same day of the article. How cool is that?
Don Maas, one of our faithful ushers brought them to me to introduce them, as he often does. I said, "You were the couple on the front page of paper this morning." They said, "That's us."
How cool is that?
The article says they just moved to SLO. If they choose to make Grace their church home, we will have a wonderful opportunity to affirm the sanctity of life and also reach out and love this family and their 4 new little girls.
These are crucial days . . . be praying for Isaac, Carmen, big sister, Leonor, and baby girls, A, B, C and D!
Posted by
11:08 AM
Categories: Sanctity of Life, Tribune
The SLO Food Bank claims that if every one us here on the Central Coast gives $1 or more, then we can feed the 25,000 hungry people in SLO County for a year.
Sounds simple enough. Let's do it.
Check out the website for more info and to donate.
Posted by
4:22 PM
I just realized that I have crossed the 500 post marker. . . .that's got to be worth something. From my own experience, Life Together, has been a wonderful and expressive discipline, an outlet for thoughts and musings beyond which can be expressed on Sunday mornings. Hopefully, its let you see some other dimensions of who I am, what I value and what God is doing in my life and in our family.
I love what I do. I hope that's evident. I often feel overwhelmed by what I do. I feel so very blessed to pastor this great church in this great community. I've said it often privately, but not publically, "I'm the luckiest (blessed!) guy in the country to be called to such an exciting and thriving place of ministry." I'm fired up about what God is doing in us and through us. I see an exciting future ahead, full of impact, potential and blessing, as we trust the Lord together.
Enough of my reflective blubbering. . . how about some feedback from you?
Posted by
3:44 PM
Categories: blogging, life together
I stumbled upon this on Guy Kawasaki's blog. . .
The Lucifer Effect
Incredible and captivating experiment about the sin in us all and what each us is capable of. Despite the evidence the author and conductor of the experiment comes to this faulty conclusion when asked this question. . . .
Situational settings only bring out what already lurks inside and what lies beneath. The Bible is clear. "There is none righteous, no not one."Question: Are people inherently and consistently good or bad?
Answer: I begin my book with John Milton’s classic statement about the power of the human mind, that it is its own place, and can “make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.” I follow with a psychological celebration of the mind’s infinite capacity to make any of us villains or heroes by enabling us to be caring or indifferent, selfless of selfish, creative or destructive.
People are not born evil, but rather with survival talents, and remarkable mental templates to be anything imaginable — just as infants readily learn to speak and understand any of a thousand languages in an instant in their development. We get a push from nature in various directions, such as being more inhibited or bold, but who we become is ultimately a complex process of cultural, historical, religious, economic and political experiences in familial and other institutional settings.
Posted by
7:37 PM
I mentioned Ken Sande's The Peacemaker in yesterday's message, "Abigail: A Woman who Pursued Peace."
Below is just one of the helpful paradigms for thinking about conflict and the varied way's we respond to it.
For more information on understanding this diagram, go to the Peacemaker's website.
Honestly now, how do you normally respond to conflict? Do you escape or attack or make peace?
Posted by
3:37 PM
Categories: life together
I stumbled across this neat video in my YouTube exploring. . . . I think I recognized at least a couple Grace kids in here. . . Lauren MacGregor and Sarah Garcia.
As someone who had no musical training growing up, but who loves music, I love it that our community is still fighting for music education in the public schools.
Susie and I have been thinking again about the power of classical music in the life of our family after listening to this very thought provoking and captivating lecture by Andrew Pudewa:
Perhaps this is a topic you haven't thought much about. This lecture is definitely worth a listen. Make some time for it.
Finally, if these resources grab you and you want to take some action, I wanted to make sure you parents knew that our own Tanya Streder, wife of our Worship Pastor Al, is now taking students for violin instruction. Tanya and Al are very involved in the classical music scene here on the Central Coast. I know of one second grader in our church family that is greatly enjoying her new lessons with Tanya.
Posted by
9:32 AM
Categories: life together, music, parenting
I mentioned just before the benediction this morning that Grace is delighted to begin hosting classes this Fall in partnership with the Central Coast Bible Institute, an extension program of The Master's College.
This Fall we will kick things off with New Testament Survey I.
For more information, check out the CCBI website or contact Elder Jim Jeffrey who is pointing the program on our end.
Let's see where this goes. . .
Posted by
10:29 PM
Categories: Central Coast
I made Susie read this article in the latest issue of World Mag on Mother's Day. . . .
WORLD Magazine | Weekly News, Christian Views
this paragraph jumped out. . .
I remember my mother telling me something she had heard from her mother: "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world."
I would guess that most American children have never heard that. Where would they hear it today? Not in public schools and certainly not on television. The last time I checked, women on television seemed in no mood to rock cradles. They were too busy rocking mattresses and throwing karate chops.
Be not ashamed, Moms. It is the noblest of callings.
Posted by
4:22 PM
Posted by
9:02 PM
Categories: Building on the Legacy Vision
Amy-Lynne, one of our resident photogs here at Grace, sent me this great pic of 8 of our expectant mothers at the Women's Conference this last weekend.
From left in order of soonest expected birth date. . . Jessica Wornardt, Jeannett Gibson, Kristen Jones, Lindsey Cheney, Cynde Kasperovich, Jen Collins, Grace Van Doren, & Serena Abdelaziz.
I love it. That's one sign of a healthy growing church. That's what I call "Building on the Legacy."
BTW, how was the Women's Conference? I haven't heard much?
Posted by
11:02 AM
Categories: children, life together
One of my great joys is working with our great staff here at Grace. For over four years I've had the great privilege of working with Kathy Borland, who has served as our Business Administrator. Kathy has been a loyal friend and confidant to me in these early years at Grace. She's helped bring "order out of chaos" in our administrative area. Her service to the Lord and His people at Grace and to me has been invaluable.
At the end of May we will reluctantly release Kathy to pursue other callings.
Kathy has recently been appointed as the Director of Nursing at Cuesta College. This bit appeared in Friday's Tribune. . . .
If we have to lose Kathy to another opportunity, I'm glad its a BIG one like this one. I have great confidence that Kathy will be used of God to take the nursing program at Cuesta College to new and higher places. Congratulations, Kathy!Cuesta College
Former General Hospital nursing director Kathy Borland is the new director of Cuesta College’s nursing and allied health programs.
Borland, a San Luis Obispo resident, held the General Hospital position from 1993 until her resignation in March 2001. She began working for the hospital in 1986.
She is replacing Mary Parker, who directed the Cuesta program for 35 years.
Cuesta has registered nursing and licensed vocational nursing programs, in addition to nine allied health programs, including those for nursing assistants and emergency medical technicians.
Fifty-six new RNs graduate each year from Cuesta, but the program has more than 200 students on its waiting list. The college recently stopped adding names to the list so it could discuss possibly expanding the program. Cuesta is the top source of local nurses.
Posted by
9:45 AM
Categories: life together, staff
As we sift through the growing parade of presidential candidates, perhaps there is one that will unite instead of divide, be free from the influence of special interests and really fight for justice with integrity!
Join the movement. . . .check out his site.
Posted by
11:40 AM
A great contrasting thought to yesterday's TV post. . .
Last night at our Elder Meeting, Chairman Jim Jeffrey brought us this outstanding article from 9Marks on Christian hospitality to read and discuss. . .
A Meal Says More than You Think - 9Marks
With hospitality, we proclaim to the world the incarnation of Christ, God’s grace in salvation, the unity of the church, and a Christian’s participation in the life of Christ. And to Christ himself we say, "I love you, because you have identified yourself with the least of these brothers." We must preach the words of Christ’s gospel, otherwise we draw attention and glory only to ourselves. But we must also preach with our lives so that those both inside and outside the church see that the power of God for salvation begins today, as Christ’s people begin to image him from one degree of glory to the next.I loved the broad thinking about hospitality. Hospitality doesn't mean just having someone over to dinner, though it surely includes that. Broadly speaking, it means welcoming and connecting with people where ever we meet them, opening our lives to one another and to outsiders.
Posted by
9:07 AM
Categories: hospitality, life together
There are very few places more strategic for ministry than a university town. That's one of the many reasons I'm here in SLO. . . .to invest my life in faithful men and women who will influence others for Christ.
Here's an encouraging article about the spiritual openness and interest of college students today. When this stuff is making headlines in the New York Times, that's a pretty neat thing. God is still on the throne. . . Augustine was right. . . we were made for Him and our hearts are restless until we find our rest in Him.
Matters of Faith Find a New Prominence on Campus - New York Times
HT: Russ Berg
Posted by
8:47 AM
Categories: college students
You all know of my LOST vice. (Awesome season, BTW) We download from iTunes. . . commercial free.
For the nearly 14 years of our marriage, we've had a television and enjoyed selective videos, but we have never had cable or had continual access to network television. Its made me a bit culturally irrelevant. Our kids don't really understand commercials and think you should be able to rewind tv shows, when they see them. Its one of our grand parenting experiments. Seems like so many families I know are making a similar choice.
I ran across these several quotes on the World Magazine Blog this morning:
Television is a medium of entertainment which permits millions of people to listen to the same joke at the same time, and yet remain lonesome.What do you think? If you've "shut it off and shut it out," what's been your experience? Do you miss it? What has been the impact on your life, marriage and family?
Television is called a medium because it is neither rare nor well done.
The television business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs for no good reason.
If you spend all your time watching TV, then you deserve what you get. You don't get much by simply sitting and staring. The drooling fool in the corner can do that. (Might apply to our computer screens, too!)
Posted by
8:08 AM
Categories: advertising, television
I just discovered the Hasson Family Blog at
Posted by
8:56 AM
Categories: blogging, life together
Tim Borland, one of the seven children of Jim & Kathy, grew up at Grace and is now making a difference and living the Gospel in the world. . . totally inspiring! You go Tim!
For updates check out Tim's blog at
Posted by
8:25 AM
Categories: GraceSLO, living the Gospel