Saturday, June 21, 2008

blog break

Our family is off to Catalina for a week, so I'll be computer-free and therefore taking a blog break until right around July 1st. In the meantime, let me suggest you take some time to do one or both of the following:

1. Listen to our 2008 Annual Meeting Audio:

Listen Here!

Here I share some heartfelt reflections of my 5 years at Grace. Todd Talley, our treasurer offers a financial review and financial preview. Finally Pastor Ken shares some thoughts as he embarks upon his well-earned 3 mo. sabbatical.

2. Watch this Tim Keller lecture that he gave at the Google headquarters.

Here he shares insights from his book The Reason for God. What a unique opportunity! You'll see why this guy makes me think and why I like him so much . . . (HT: Troy Hawkins)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Is Google making us stupid?

GREAT thought-provoking article in The Atlantic recently. . .

Warning: Its long and you're going to feel tempted to skim it or skip it, which will prove the author's point!

The pull of the electronic is so, so strong. This summer discipline yourself and your family to sit down and read some good books. We've got to put limits on this stuff. . .

tough tenderness

Both Susie and I have recently really enjoyed this lecture by John Piper on the tough tenderness of John Newton. . .

PLEASE Listen Here!

Those who affirm the doctrines of God's grace and His absolute sovereignty in all things, should be most tender, gentle and graceful in communicating these and all truths.

Sadly such is not always the case . . . even here at Grace. It seems like we are continually mopping up after those who in their zeal for their new knowledge of these exciting and Biblical doctrines are dogmatic, harsh and ungentle in their communication and dealings with others. How this grieves me . . .

Newton shows us the true way. I want to be like John Newton, as John Newton was like Christ. Oh that our church would be so marked by this sweet tough tenderness for the glory of Christ, the exaltation of His Name, and the extension of His Kingdom.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

my little man

Here's my little man. . . .graduating from kindergarten on Thursday. . . . I'm crazy about this cool kid. . . .

Monday, June 09, 2008

Friesens on Focus

My good friends and occasional teachers here at Grace, Paul and Virginia Friesen, along with their daughters, Cari, Lisa and Julie, were featured on the Focus on the Family radio program this last weekend.

Give it a listen . . .

Friday, June 06, 2008

preaching at sycamore

see the flipflops?

see the flipflops?

Thursday, June 05, 2008

biking at sycamore

Big Sunday Morning Ride

Smaller Friday Evening Ride
Myself, Chad & Kyle Theule, Dave & Tyler Obrien

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

hiking at sycamore

great pic of some of the men hiking last weekend . . . click to see larger size

HT: Glenn Rider

7 marks of a man of God

At the Men's Getaway last weekend we identified 7 marks of a man of God in the Scriptures over three sessions. Clearly there are way more, but this is a great start. . . .

Session #1: A Man and His Personal Life (1 Timothy 6:11)

Mark 1: A man of God is known by what he flees.
Mark 2: A man of God is known by what he pursues.
Mark 3: A man of God is known by who he's becoming, not what he's accomplishing.

Session #2: A Man and His Family Life (Ephesians 5:25-6:4)

Mark 4: A man of God is known by his sacrificial love for his family.
Mark 5: A man of God is known by his engaged leadership of his family.

Session #3: A Man and His Work Life (Colossians 3:22-4:1)

Mark 6: A man of God is known by how he works.
Mark 7: A man of God is known by for whom he works.

I loved this time with the men of our church, sweating and pushing ourselves up the mountains and in the sea; studying God's Word together. I loved the casual, low key atmosphere. I loved it that men had to step up and work together to figure out the food thing. Most men just ate standing up with no utensils the whole weekend. The wives would have been shocked at our savagery. I loved seeing the men get out and enjoy themselves in God's creation. I loved surfing my 6'6'' again. I loved going on a night MTB ride with 13 year old Tyler O'brien and Mark Ernstrom. I loved teaching around the campfire in flipflops. I loved being able to challenge our men.

I've got a few pics to upload if I can find my camera.
My speaking notes are available for any who might benefit from them. If you'd like me to send them to you, email me.

Some of you who went, share your experience to encourage others for next time. . .

Monday, June 02, 2008

from where I'm sitting

heard some noise, turned around and this is what I saw from my office window. . .

that's drywall being tractored and lifted to the second floor for the installation in the Early Childhood Center. So much as happened since the walk through.

Come to the Annual Meeting this Sunday evening, June 8 for the latest updates . . .

I've got to find some time to share about the awesome Men's Getaway last weekend. Rockin' good time! Stay tuned . . .