At the Men's Getaway last weekend we identified 7 marks of a man of God in the Scriptures over three sessions. Clearly there are way more, but this is a great start. . . .
Session #1: A Man and His Personal Life (1 Timothy 6:11)
Mark 1: A man of God is known by what he flees.
Mark 2: A man of God is known by what he pursues.
Mark 3: A man of God is known by who he's becoming, not what he's accomplishing.
Session #2: A Man and His Family Life (Ephesians 5:25-6:4)
Mark 4: A man of God is known by his sacrificial love for his family.
Mark 5: A man of God is known by his engaged leadership of his family.
Session #3: A Man and His Work Life (Colossians 3:22-4:1)
Mark 6: A man of God is known by how he works.
Mark 7: A man of God is known by for whom he works.
I loved this time with the men of our church, sweating and pushing ourselves up the mountains and in the sea; studying God's Word together. I loved the casual, low key atmosphere. I loved it that men had to step up and work together to figure out the food thing. Most men just ate standing up with no utensils the whole weekend. The wives would have been shocked at our savagery. I loved seeing the men get out and enjoy themselves in God's creation. I loved surfing my 6'6'' again. I loved going on a night MTB ride with 13 year old Tyler O'brien and Mark Ernstrom. I loved teaching around the campfire in flipflops. I loved being able to challenge our men.
I've got a few pics to upload if I can find my camera.
My speaking notes are available for any who might benefit from them. If you'd like me to send them to you, email me.
Some of you who went, share your experience to encourage others for next time. . .