Thursday, October 21, 2010

Culture of Poverty

Fascinating New York Times Article on the sources and causes of poverty. . . .

Implications for ministry are many. . . . there are no simple fixes . . . We have to think long view and generationally. . . we need to look deeper at structures, values and family systems. . . .the Gospel speaks to all these issues, and, therefore is the only real and true fix.

The Gospel challenges and speaks to every culture, valuing and embodying each cultures strenths and, while, at the same time, exposing and transforming each culture's sin and weaknesses.

How can we address, with the Gospel, the pockets of our community where a culture of poverty persists?


TRUTH459 said...

How can Anyone believe the NY Times?

The TRUE Gospel does NOT deal with Poverty or Riches.. BUT THE CONDITIONS OF THE HEART.. that leads to such.

Thanks, Roger.

Tim said...

Yo Roger,

Not sure who you are or where you come from, but I don't appreciate you logging in here and making assumptions without reading the article I referenced.

I actually agree with you that the gospel has to do with the heart, but you don't know that because you haven't taken the time to find out.

Not helpful or reflective of this the glorious, graceful Gospel you say you believe.

Nate Maas said...

I would recommend reading "A Framework for Understanding Poverty," by Ruby Payne. The way that those in poverty view the world is so different from most of us. When you understanding that different worldview, it helps you understand behaviors better and it has helped me better relate with my students.

Unknown said...

Wow. I'm commenting on two blog posts in one night. I guess this is why I never read blogs any more!


I have to say that I was a bit saddened by your post. That was, until I realized that it was only a few years ago I would have likely said or thought the same thing. It is easy to be flippant and antagonistic when we perceive something that we do not understand.

However, I would be so bold as to suggest that you perhaps do not understand the implications of poverty and how it is CRUCIAL to our understanding of the Gospel.

And as such, it is the church's main goal to understand and reach into poverty as both a response to, and as an example of the Gospel.

Jonathan Edwards wrote "Where have we any command in the Bible laid down in stronger terms, and in a more preemptory, urgent manner, than the command to give to the poor?"

In other words, Edwards saw giving and serving the poor as the preeminent (supreme) command.

Pastor Tim is simply recognizing this, and thoughtfully engaging himself (and hopefully us) into the practical HOW of this command.

There is a great article online here:

If you don't have much time, scroll down past his introduction and start reading his points one and two.

There are so many quotable statements in this article, I think I will just leave it to you to read it for yourself.

Phillip Moses

Jacquelyn said...

Not that I can add anything to the eloquent comments of Phillip Moses, but it seems to me that a huge component here is investing time vs. investing money. It will take much more than cash to change fundamental mindsets and cultural norms and who could be more qualified than a people that understand where to store up their treasures and "get" the idea of delayed gratification. The article posted here along with this article demonstrate the church's need for education on this subject in order to effectively reach a portion of society that we don't understand and have no idea how to minister to. said...

so nice blogger