Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Music Recommendation: "Redemption Songs"

Susie was recently craving some new music for our home and stumbled across a brand new album by Jars of Clay entitled "Redemption Songs." On a whim, recognizing a few songs she knew and intrigued by the titles she didn't know, she downloaded the album from the iTunes Music Store (Yep, we're Apple nuts!).

This is a great album filled with some classic hymns redone as well as some just downright fun music. It's doctrinally deep and celebrates the richness of God's grace in the Gospel. You can actually listen to the whole album before you buy, by going to the Jars of Clay website. Given the broad range of tastes and preferences represented here at Grace, Jars of Clay won't be for everybody, but we're sure enjoying it.

The doctrinal depth of the album got me wondering about these guys and their spiritual backgrounds, so I did a bit of poking around and discovered this great explanation of the album entilted "The Stories Behind the Songs: A Collection of Reinvented Ancient Hyms and Spiritual Songs." (A worthwhile read!)

I really want to sing a few of these songs here at Grace, so I am trying to turn Al on to the album. Stay tuned!

Let me know what you think!


Anonymous said...

I have always loved Jars of Clay, What I believe was their first album self titled is one of my favorites! I will check out the new one you recommended. thanks

Anonymous said...

I love Jars of Clay as well. Glad to hear you found the joy of their music as well. Maybe I'll pick up their album this weekend. Thanks for the recommendation. Keep up the blogging.

Anonymous said...

I like it! Just ordered it from :)