Thursday, July 28, 2005

Digging Out!

Whew! A few of you have asked if I am abandoning Life Together and why am I not posting. . . . .the thought of abandonment has crossed my mind, but that's not going to happen. I am still "digging out" from my vacation time away. We had a great getaway as a family. Lots of swimming and just fantastic family time. I read a number of interesting books that I am eager to share with you. . . . another time.

But it's true. . . .you pay for it on the front end and you pay for it on the back end. Does it happen to you too?

We got home on Saturday afternoon, unpacked the car, but had to be at a long standing Pre-Family Conference Dinner an hour later. Sunday was an 18 hour day. Don't ask me why, it just was. And then the Family Conference was in full swing until Tuesday evening.

BTW, what an extraordinary conference. The audio and notes have already been posted in all the usual places. Several of you have asked if my elective seminar, "Simple Family Devotions," was recorded. It was, but we are working to clean up the audio just a bit before posting it on the website. I think the handouts have been posted already. If you missed the Conference, I want to encourage you to take the time to sit down and listen to this excellent, practical teaching straight from God's Word. Thanks to all you who helped put together such a quality Conference. Many thanks, especially, to Dori Iunker, our Children's Ministry Director for her tireless work and diligent planning.

Anyway, the reality is . . . . .this job is never done and it's not getting any smaller. The Church is the place that never closes. Grace is a big place and getting bigger. It wouldn't be right to close the doors, now would it. May God give grace, wisdom, rest and balance to me and to us in these exciting days.

I am eager to finish out Matthew 13 this week with a message entitled, "Fakers, Followers and Fools." Take a look at Matthew 13:47-58 and see if you can figure out the title. I am looking forward to worshipping together with you this Lord's Day Morning! . . . .Pastor Tim

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Media Blackout

Our family is heading out on vacation for 10 days or so. . . .up to Sutter Creek and then back down to Hume Lake next week. Should be a good time with 3 before #4 comes just after Labor Day. Yikes and Yea! We would appreciate your prayers for a restful, renewing week of family time.

I should be back online Monday, July 25th. While I am gone is a good time to check out The Source College Ministry Blog and the Grace, SLO Mission's Blog. We're seeing some pretty consistent posting going on in at both blogs.

Peace. . . Out!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

07.10.05 Message Now Posted!

Sunday was pretty huge. We rolled out new Pew Bibles. . . finally. . . . but also cast the vision for a move to 3 worship services this Fall beginning Sunday, September 25. All this and we still managed to hear a Mexico report from Dan Woods, learn about the Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Leaven from Matthew 13:31-33, and share the Lord's Table together.

(And you wondered why we went a few minutes over on Sunday. . . . ok, 8-12 minutes over.)

If you were around on Sunday, what did you think of all this? Where are you at on the 3 service thing? Do you get it? Are you ready? Any questions? And what did you think about the Pew Bibles and those snazzy book marks? (It's the little things that fire me up!) Leave a comment and some feedback.

Based on all the tabs we collected, I'm encouraged to know I'm not going to be alone at 8:00 A.M.! Actually, I was quite encouraged by the many who expressed a willingness to commit to the early service. If you missed it, the insert will be included in the worship folder the next few weeks and we still would love to get your feedback via the tab.

Anyway, the message is now posted in all the usual places. If you missed it, catch up! We want you with us. If you're from outside of the area, thanks for coming by. Listen along!

• If you want to listen to this week's message now, just. . . Click Here!

• If you want to "pull" the message from the website, go to. . . Connecting - Grace Church, San Luis Obispo.

• If you want this message and future messages "pushed" to you each week, subscribe to the podcast using podcast software (ipodder, etc) and this link. . . If you are an iTunes user, just punch "Living the Gospel" in the podcast search window.

2005 Family Conference just a week away. . .

Here's an email you should receive shortly, if you are on our BIG email list. . . . . It's coming soon. Hope you're going to be there. . . .

Beloved Grace Family,

Have you signed up for the 2005 Family Conference yet? Do you realize there are 16 unique and fun elective seminars for adults and kids of all ages? Do you realize it's just a week and a half away on July 24-26? Do you realize that this Sunday is the last day to sign-up your family? Do you realize it's not just for "young families" but for the whole "Grace Family?"

This year, Pastor/Teacher Dan Haakenson from Valley Evangelical Free Church will be addressing "Keys to Communication: Practicing the Principles of the Proverbs." The book of proverbs has lots to say about the whole area of communication. And who of us, couldn't use a tune-up on our communication skills . . . . . with friends, our spouse, or our kids? I'm eager to hear Dan open God's Word for us! The kids will have a great time with Terry Kohlenberg again this year. (My kids sing along to Terry's CD all the time!)

Summer is nuts and these things always seem to sneak up on our family. I bet the same is true with yours. In case you weren't around last Sunday or plan to be gone this Sunday, I wanted to remind you of this Sunday's registration deadline and urge you to register then or even now via email or by calling Dori at the church office. It's also not too late to invite friends and family who might not come to church on Sunday, but might be open to something like this.

I am looking forward to it and hope you'll consider joining us for these three valuable nights. . . . . .whether you are newly married, not yet married, never been married, once married, or married for 50 or more years. . . whether you're hoping for children, expecting your 1st child or your 8th, of if your children are having children of their own. . . . I hope you can join us.

You can find a copy of our 2005 Family Conference Brochure for your review and consideration on our website. Click here... Grace Church, San Luis Obispo. You also will receive a copy in this week's worship folder. See you then. . . .

Because of the Gospel . . . . Pastor Tim

Thursday, July 07, 2005

How about that last post?

A visitor who calls himself "Poretz" has jumped in out of nowhere and really stirred things up and taken "life together" to a whole new level of dialogue in the comments section of the "How about that 4th of July Picnic?" post. He's dropping some thought-provoking bombs and others are responding. Fun stuff . . . don't miss it.

No need for me to post anymore, I guess, now that the ball is rolling. Good thing, since I'm just slammed right now trying to get ready to go on vacation the middle of next week.

This Sunday, look for new pew Bibles and roll out of the 3 Service Vision. Crazinness. So much for the SLO life. . . .

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

How about that 4th of July Picnic?

Our 2005 4th of July Picnic was AWESOME! So many "red" visitor nametags. A sweet spirit of fellowship. Great food. Old fashioned picnic games. A truly multi-generation turn-out. The body of Christ serving together.

Many thanks to all who helped make it our best 4th of July picnic ever and a special thanks to Tim & Karen Weaver who led the All Church Events (ACE) Team in preparing food for 600+. No small task!

Personally, during these BIG events I am savoring God at work among His people, but also worrying about who might be falling through the cracks. Who is lonely today in this setting with 600 people?

What did you see and experience yesterday? What was going on in you? Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome!

07/03/05 Message Now Posted!

Sunday we looked at the parable of "The Wheat & Weeds," from Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43. The kingdom is present, its messy and its sure! These are practical and comforting truths, as we seek to make sense of the Christian landscape. They ought to create in us a diverse array of seemingly paradoxical character qualities.

If you missed it, catch up! If you're from outside of the area, thanks for coming by and listen along!

• If you want to listen to this week's message now, just. . . Click Here!

• If you want to "pull" the message from the website, go to. . . Connecting - Grace Church, San Luis Obispo.

• If you want this message and future messages "pushed" to you each week, subscribe to the podcast using podcast software (ipodder, etc) and this link. . . If you are an iTunes user, just punch "Living the Gospel" in the podcast search window.