Wednesday, March 29, 2006

an assignment for the week

I've recommended Mars Hill Audio Journal to "life together" readers before. I love it! I'm sending the latest issue down to the church library for your listening pleasure. (Are the other Journals on the shelves yet? I'll have to go check!)

On the latest issue, these two terrific and thought-provoking articles are referenced as the authors are interviewed. . .

A Very Long Disengagement: This arcticle talks about the disengagement of college students and the demise of the liberal arts. Very relevant in our college town.

The Numbing of the American Mind: This article looks at the dizzying speed of our image-based culture and how it numbs us. Do you feel the numbness?

So what I'd like you to do is to spend 15 minutes reading them and responding to them. And in particular, I'd like you to tell me what they have to do with our 75th Anniversary Celebration. Ready. . . GO!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Quick question ... does the library get the CD version or the tape version?

I wonder because I don't have a tape player anymore. (I don't have an 8-track or hi-fi "record player" either ... I'm even wondering whether my VCR is worth unplugging.)

In any case, I've let my subscription to Mars Hill lapse but every so often ...