Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Women Balancing Work & Family Life

Women working outside the home is a reality for many in our Central Coast community. It's not easy.

Did you see Amy Kardel who attends Grace in the article about women business executives? Here it is. . .

San Luis Obispo Tribune | 04/09/2006 | How far we've come: 10 top female executives in SLO County

It was kind of roundtable discussion with a bunch of these bright women. Amy's answers to the questions where "standouts." Here's a question and answer that I just loved. . . .

Many women leave corporate life to care for children or elderly parents. Is this a setback for women seeking to reach the top of their fields?

Kardel: Those women who make the choice to care for others are the real heroes in our society. It is underappreciated and undercompensated work in relation to its huge value for our culture's future.

I appreciate the way Amy balances her passion for her work and her passion for her family. I love seeing those Kardel kids in our worship services.

Good job, Amy!

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