encourage another . . . share a 2008 highlght
Heads up. . . . we are heading out for our family's annual January vacation where we'll see some family in Escondido for a few days on our way to camping in Cardiff by the Sea. Posting will be spotty, if at all, through January 11. Appreciate your prayers for our family as we connect and renew and have some fun.
One of the things we'll do is look back on the year past and look ahead to the year upon us. It's always a valuable exercise to reflect and give thanks for God's blessings and look ahead toward goals and dreams.
I'd love to have some of you share 2008 highlights right here at Life Together. What are some of your highlights of our year together as the body of Christ at Grace? What are some of the highlights of your personal and family life?
I'll share 3 quick highlights that come to my mind on this afternoon:
- Square Dancing at Grace Summer Nights: I enjoyed square dancing with my wife and daughters. I remember so many folks remarking, "I've been waiting for Grace to allow something like this." It was a good ole' evening of fun and fellowship together.
- Early Childhood Center & Founder's Hall Dedication in September: While financial giving toward the project is still ongoing, it was very gratifying to see that building remodel go from concept to completion. As a pastor, it was my first project of this kind and my first building dedication service. I'll remember for a long time throwing open those doors and singing "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" as we entered the space for the first time.
- Christmas Caroling 2008: This was perhap, for me, the most fun and meaningful event of the entire year. It was delightful to watch my children and others give away the Gospel to shut-ins and at homes of the elderly. It was a unique joy to see 200+ of us converge on the downtown steps by Peets and unashamedly sing the grace of God to our community. Even the casual and relaxed pizza and fellowship afterward was a highlight. It was such a neat chance to turn Christmas outward.