Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Media Blackout

Our family is heading out on vacation for 10 days or so. . . .up to Sutter Creek and then back down to Hume Lake next week. Should be a good time with 3 before #4 comes just after Labor Day. Yikes and Yea! We would appreciate your prayers for a restful, renewing week of family time.

I should be back online Monday, July 25th. While I am gone is a good time to check out The Source College Ministry Blog and the Grace, SLO Mission's Blog. We're seeing some pretty consistent posting going on in at both blogs.

Peace. . . Out!


Anonymous said...

Have a great vacation, Pastor Tim. Pastor Steve seems like he's doing a great job on the blog. We just need more people to read it, and if there are already a lot of people reading it, then we need more people to post on it. So if you're reading this, stop! Go read The Source's blog. Pastor Tim won't be posting here for another one and a half weeks, so now's your chance to check out what's going on in the College Group at Grace.

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling that you've got a bit of catching up to do after your vacation, but I trust that it was a great time of Media Blackout.

Looking forward to seeing some posting action.

Welcome back!