Beloved Grace Family,
Are you getting your rest? You're going to need it! The BIG WEEKEND is upon us. . . our labor of love to the Lord in celebration of His faithfulness to Grace these 75 years.
I want to exhort you to get, not only physically ready, but spiritually ready as well. Commit our weekend to prayer. Ask God to manifest His presence in a mighty way. Pray for spiritual protection, as we sense the enemy prowling. Pray that God would prepare your heart and our hearts together for spiritual renewal. SET ASIDE SOME SPECIAL TIME FOR PRAYER.
I will be here in the sanctuary tomorrow morning (Friday) from 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM seeking the presence of the Lord with any and all who would like to join me. Also as part of our spiritual preparation for the weekend and our worship on Sunday, I want to urge you to read Joshua 24 where the Lord's people, at that momentous moment in their history, re-commit themselves to the Lord. I believe we stand together at a similar moment . . . a momentous moment in our history together. . . a moment to REMEMBER our CALLING in Jesus Christ . . . a moment to RENEW our COMMITMENT to live for JESUS CHRIST. Get ready!
So here's the rundown for the events of the weekend and their various start times:
Friday Celebration Concert @ 7:30 PM in the SanctuaryLet's kick things off with praise to our Great God. Our adult and children's choirs and full orchestra will help us lift our voices to the Lord. Childcare will not be provided, but the Family/Cry room will be open. Just bring the kids along. Let's worship together as a family.
Saturday Celebration Banquet @ 5:30 PM at the Madonna Expo We're expecting a packed house of 650. If you have not paid for your tickets, please plan to do so that evening. If you have purchased tickets, but now are unable to attend, please let us know by phone or email, as we have folks on a waiting list eager to attend. If you're looking for tickets, contact us to get on that waiting list. It would be a shame to see empty seats on Saturday evening.
Some have asked where the Expo is. Getting to the Madonna Expo is a cinch. Just pull into the Madonna Inn off Madonna Road and follow the signs past the Inn. The Expo is located up the hill at the base of Cerro San Luis (Madonna Mountain if you prefer). Looks to me like we can expect about a 3 hour evening together including dinner, a 75 minute program, dessert, and fellowship. Attire is somewhere in the range of dress casual to semi-formal. Let's not put on airs, but make it warm and real.
I want to also encourage you to have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus by regarding one another's interests as more important than your own (Phil. 2:3-8). We've had a few calls from folks making last minute requests (demands?) about seating arrangements on Saturday night. It is no small undertaking to try and coordinate seating for 650! Please be open, flexible and gracious as we do our best.
If you've got some time available on Saturday and want to help with EXPO preparations, REPLY to this email and let us know.
Sunday Worship Services @ 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 AMA great way to serve others this weekend is to come to the 8:00 AM service to free up some room in those later services. I want to urge you to bring your youth and children with you to one of these important "Covenant Renewal" services. If you normally attend only one service while your kids attend Youth Group or Sunday School, plan to attend two services this Sunday.
Beloved former Youth/College Pastor Corey Melia, will be sharing the Word and his heart in the Ministry Center during the 9:30 and 11:00 AM services. If you missed Paul Anderson last Sunday, you missed out. Don't miss out this week!
Once more, prayerfully prepare your heart! Come expectant and prayed up!
Sunday All-Church Picnic @ 12:15 PM at Mitchell Park500+ expected. If you haven't RSVP'd, please REPLY to this email now. Lunch will be served at 12:30. I'm wearing shorts and flip-flops. No program, just come and enjoy the food and fellowship. Nametags will be provided. If you've been here at Grace for a year or less, you'll receive a red name tag, so we can get to know and love you. Cost is $5.00 / $25 max per family.
Karen Weaver and the ACE Team are looking for 8 - 10 men who can help with picnic set-up during the 8:00 AM service. If you can help, just hit REPLY now.
Sunday Evening Hymn Sing @ 7:00 PMI know it's crazy . . . but it seemed fitting to end the weekend as we start it, giving praise, honor and glory to our faithful God. After all, most of us get to sleep in and relax on Monday which is Memorial Day. We'll sing some of the great hymns of the faith, even taking audience requests. We'll also open up the mic so that you can give testimony to the Lord's faithfulness in your life through the ministry at Grace. Be thinking now of a memory that you might share. Remember; let's be God-centered and BRIEF! Again, there will be no childcare for this event, so just bring them along and let them experience God's faithfulness through the years.
I've been much encouraged by the many who've taken the time to add a memory to our 75th Anniversary website. The list is GROWING! It's not too late for you to leave your testimony to God's faithfulness! Here's that link, once more . . .
ClICK HERE!Many thanks in advance to our 75th Anniversary Committee, our ACE team, our Administrative and Ministry Staff Teams, and the many others who've labored tirelessly to create what I know is going to be an incredible and God-honoring weekend. It's going to be great. Not to us O Lord, but to your name give glory!
I think that's plenty. See you this weekend.
Because of and for the Gospel. . . .Pastor Tim