Wednesday, November 08, 2006

melting pot or tossed salad?

The election is over, but while the politics stuff is still warm I wanted to share this interesting article on immigration.

Cougars Among the Flock

Immigration is one of those issues that I'm not always sure what to do with. How does the Gospel apply to immigration? What does a Gospel-centered perspective on immigration look like?

I'd like to read Dykstra's book entitled "Yearning to be Free." (That's a good Dutch name!) I'm intrigued by this guy's ideas. . . . here are a couple of excerpts. . .

The law of God also made a clear distinction between the foreigner willing to assimilate and the one who refused to do so. Isaiah 56:3-8 is a good example of the assurances and encouragements given to the foreigner who embraced Israel's culture. Ezekiel 44:6-9 is a good example too of the restrictions placed on the foreigner who refused to assimilate. These distinctions between the one willing to assimilate and the one who refused to do so are good and wise, and we put our future in peril by refusing to apply them to the current immigration debate.

WORLD: Why did we move from a "melting pot" emphasis to our current "tossed salad" thinking?

DYKSTRA: The jettisoning of our historic melting pot concept, (E Pluribus Unum—"out of many one"), has taken place because of our uncritical acceptance of multiculturalism. George Will recently wrote of "the sacramental nature of multiculturalism." The belief that no culture is superior to another is an assertion that needs to be challenged and not merely accepted. The roots of multiculturalism are Marxist, and the degree to which it has been accepted is frightening. The current "tossed salad" alternative to the "melting pot" will only lead to more and more fragmentation of society.

WORLD: When countries don't require immigrants to assimilate, what is likely to happen?

DYKSTRA: I guess that depends on the immigrants. If they are peaceful and law-abiding, then assimilation is bound to take place over time. If they arrive determined not to assimilate and determined to overthrow their host country, then that is a grave danger. This is precisely what we are facing with Islamists, and they are open and frank in admitting it. The clear goal of Islamists is the establishment of totalitarian theocracies. Their ultimate goal is the establishment of a borderless Islamic caliphate. Our policies in the West should be toward requiring assimilation into our common culture and opposing the dangerous policies of allowing immigrants to live in host countries separate from the overarching culture. We should begin by challenging the assumptions of multiculturalism.
What are your thoughts? How might these principles apply to hispanic immigration?


Brianna Heldt said...

I think it's essential to filter thoughts on any issue through the grid of Jesus' words about the greatest commandments being loving God and loving others. God cares about everyday life, He cares about our politics and our views on this stuff. He cares ultimately about our hearts and how we feel towards others.

I've been thinking a bit lately about how Jesus would have me respond (beginning in my heart) towards immigrants, both legal and illegal. And being that I have two immigrant sons (neither are US citizens yet), and our family is racially mixed, some of these issues feel close to home.

I believe in obeying/enforcing the laws of the land. I believe our tax dollars should not automatically be spent on printing everything in several additional languages. That being said, Christ calls me to esteem others better than myself. Whatever my thoughts on immigration or assimilation, loving others has to come first.

As far as assimilation goes, I do worry about who decides what it means to be assimilated--is it listening to James Taylor and living in the suburbs with 1.2 kids and a dog? If we're honest with ourselves I think (sadly) we're all most comfortable around people who look, dress, believe and act like us. But God loves diversity (though He calls us to have unity with one another, and we are all one in Christ Jesus.)

I think my allegiance to God and my citizenship in His kingdom should always far outweigh my allegiance to and citizenship in the USA. I really don't believe our culture is objectively superior to any other--I can think of several wonderful qualities about our culture as well as many shameful ones; same for any other society, because society is comprised of people and people are sinful. If God has gifted America with more wealth than we know what to do with (and He has), let's share it so that we each have enough (2 Cor. 8:13-14). It all belongs to Him anyhow.

I hope and pray that as Christians we can lead the way in our society to love people and put them ahead of ourselves. As this whole immigration debate seems to be heating up, what an amazing opportunity for believers to humble themselves and reach out with the love of Christ. I pray He will soften my own prideful heart and help me more fully love my neighbors.

Jeannett said...

I agree with both Andy and Brianna, because I don't believe that their views are mutually exclusive. I think you can love someone, but it doesn't mean you have to agree with everything they do, and that you can't get mad or annoyed at them. So, while I agree that regardless of what we believe politically about the issue, that we need to remember to love them first and foremost.

With that said, I do believe that assimilation doesn't have to be a bad word. It doesn't mean that you have to dye your hair blonde, drive an SUV and have a goldfish and a white picket fence. The beauty of America is that we are a make up of a variety of wildly different people, with incredibly different backgrounds, yet, we can come together for the common good. American culture (and yes, I do believe there is one) is not something specific to your hair color, what language you speak, or what country you are originally from. America is defined by the entrepreneurial 'can do' spirit of people working together to achieve anything they put their hearts and minds to. I don't believe you have to stop being "German" to just means using your "Germanness" to the fullest extent while still being respectful of the larger entity. Assimilation does not mean you throw away and forget where you came from, so long as you remember and respect where you ARE.

Let our air fill with the smell of curry, cilantro, parmesean, and soy sauce, sounds of 1,000 tongues, and traditions from the "old country"...but do not forget that we are all here together, and frankly, if you don't like it, you can go back. (But leave your food here!)

(Besides, I live in the suburbs, and have TWO dogs, so hopefully it's not all THAT bad!) :)