Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
first day of school
We, like everyone else, started school this week. Zeke's first day of kindergarten was yesterday. First day of soccer practice is today. Donny Valliere and I are coaching his team together, since, as most of you know, I don't know what I'm doing.
So I'm jumping into Dobson's Bringing Up Boys as we navigate these new stages of Zeke's life. First chapter cracked me up! If you've got boys, why not read along with me this Fall?
Posted by
11:33 AM
Categories: Theule Family
Friday, August 24, 2007
what is it about laughter?
Some fun on a Friday
HT: Allen Peek
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8:22 AM
Categories: fun
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Jr. Day Camp
I need to keep blogging just to keep sharing all the stories of God at work in our midst. I want what I share to fuel your joy. Most at Grace only see a small sliver of all that's happening around here. For example . . .
Jr. Day Camp happened a couple weeks back. Dori, our Children's Ministry Director, put together an awesome week of instruction, discipleship and fun. Pastor Ken, Pastor Steve and I shared teaching duties, but the key to the whole week was our youth and college staff. What an amazing group of young people who are investing their lives in these up-and-coming younger students.
Check out the Jr. Day Camp Photo Album!
On Monday I went to the Mustang Waterslides with the group and I was so blown away at the dynamics between the older leaders and the younger kids. My daughter Sage was far more interested in hanging out with her leader than she was hanging out with her fuddy, duddy dad. (It was a bit of a shock. I thought I was so hip and cool. Not any more.)
It was a powerful week! Dori reports that 8 trusted Christ for the first time and 3 recommitted their lives to walk with the Lord.
Dori passed on this awesome note to our pastoral staff. . . .
Hi DoriI really appreciate Dori, too, and all the Jr. Day Camp Staff who gave their lives so others might know and grow. This is what its all about!
I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate you and all the work you did for jr. day camp.
My son and his friend had such a wonderful week. The field trips were amazing, but even more important was the service project where they got such a feeling of accomplishment. It really made an impact on them to be a part of the community and help out.
My son left this camp really feeling connected to the group and his counselors his thought now is that "Christians are cool and I want to be like that when I'm bigger" This to me was huge! What a great time in their lives to get these kids connected and not afraid to stand up in their faith because they know they are part of a united group.
On Sunday my son saw all his counselors and they were so excited to see each other!. These young adults made him feel so welcome. Not like he were some pesky kid hanging around, but that they were truly happy to see him. Cameron's smile was huge as he sensed their genuine interest in him.
Also the bible stories stuck with him and he was able to tell me whole stories(something that is usually pretty difficult for him). The pastors were a huge influence!
Thanks so much again Dori for letting God use you in this powerful way in helping to change the live of these kids. I appreciate it more than words can say!!
God bless you and have a great Monday.
This Fall at Grace, find a place to give it away! Remember, everybody plays!
Posted by
10:47 AM
Categories: God at Work
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
How are you all?
I've had a hard time getting back into swing of the blogging thing after last week's vacation. I'm not sure why, but it has been a very busy few days back. . . .
So now that I've lost my 5 readers, let me get going again.
Here's another promo video from Josh and the guys. Since I covet an iPhone (I keep confessing that sin), Josh knew I'd appreciate this promo for Youth Ministries Fall Forward retreat happening this weekend . . .
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2:21 PM
Categories: video
Thursday, August 02, 2007
1011 Pacific
Beloved Family of Grace,
If you were here last Sunday morning, you heard the surprising news that the Lord has providentially provided an opportunity for us to purchase one of five identified KEY properties: 1011 Pacific Street (the red brick building behind us, 2nd from the corner, see attached picture). In God's perfect plan, the property sort of unexpectedly landed in our lap even before it was officially listed. Thankfully, we had the right people in the right places at just the right time. On Wednesday, July 18, an offer was agreed upon and the property was placed in escrow.
It is arguably the most strategic of the five KEY properties and opens up some exciting current and future possibilities for Grace. Our leadership has seen God's provision as a definitive sign that God is not yet finished with His work through Grace, but is preparing us for an exciting future. As we move forward, our aim is to seek the Lord together as we strive to balance both SHORT RANGE MINISTRY NEEDS and LONG RANGE MINISTRY VISION.
At present, our vision and desire moving forward is threefold:
1. To complete the purchase of 1011 Pacific.To this end, we are inviting you to join us for a Special Congregation Meeting this Sunday, August 5th at 6:00 in the Ministry Center so we can share all the details, our Elder's recommendations, and invite your feedback. Your involvement and participation in this process is critical. The decisions we make by faith in these days, will impact our ministry for years to come. Our leadership is seeking your affirmation and engagement as we try and discern the Lord's will and direction together. I know that we're right in the middle of these busy summer months, but still I want to urge you to make every effort to attend this vital meeting.
2. To renew the Annex as planned, but in a slightly downsized form.
3. To prayerfully plan and position ourselves for the next property should it become available.
I hope to see you there. Between now and then, praise the Lord for His faithful provision and plan. He knows the plans He has for us! (Jeremiah 29:11)
Because of and for the Gospel,
Pastor Tim
Posted by
10:34 PM
Categories: Building on the Legacy Vision
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
listener feedback . . .
A few weeks back I received not one, but two pieces of feedback related to our unseen and oft forgotten radio ministry. It moved me that these folks would take the time to encourage my heart. Isn't it cool to know that God's Word is sounding forth over the radio waves every Saturday (6:00 PM, last week's message) and Sunday (11:00, same day message)? Many thanks to Jon Fugler for making that possible. I think he has to run over to the station sometimes, if I'm droning on. He never complains.
Here they are for your enjoyment and encouragement too . . . Names have been removed to protect the innocent and the shy.
The first was from a couple who couldn't make it to the service one Sunday . . .
Dear Pastor Tim,
My husband and I would like to thank you for your beautiful sermon today. We always enjoy your sermons and your dedication to God's scriptures. We thought today's was especially eloquent. We actually didn't make it to the service, but we tuned into the AM station to listen to the sermon. It was wonderful to sit at home and still be able to listen. God's words were just what my heart needed to hear today. Actually, they are always what my heart needs to hear and I'm so glad that I didn't miss them today. Again, thank you for your dedication and passion for the Word of God. God's love transfers through your sermons over the radio just as clearly as it does through the church building.
I am very touched by the scripture from Luke describing God's love for each sparrow and our great value over them. I love that our hairs are numbered!! The idea is amazing, but I should not be surprised at God's infinite detail. He made our every cell along with everything we see around us. Your presentation of these ideas was utterly poetic. Thank you so much for sharing it.
We are very glad that God has blessed us with Grace Church.
We hope to see you at next Sunday's service.
blank & blank
p.s. Thanks also for reminding us that we are to be good stewards of this beautiful earth. God has given us so much and we should treat it with gratitude and care. No complaints in this email!
The Second was from a dear shut in couple who is never able to come to the services.
Dear Pastor:
The broadcast of the Sunday Morning Service has been a blessing! Folks who are often unable to attend services, especially we seniors, now have the opportunity to worship with our "church family" and receive a spiritual uplift. Perhaps in the future you will be able to expand to include the communion service when you have it, making our experience even more complete.
Our personal thanks to you, Pastor Tim, for your offer of a visit and a desire to be of help. At present, the Lord is meeting our needs abundantly through friends such as Florence Touryan, Edna Mote, Betty Coslett and other friends and neighbors.
We have a Great God! He is in control! Our current situation has shown us just how great He is and how carefully He watches over His own.
God be with you, Pastor Tim, and may you experience increasing joy as you climb up closer and closer to Him. Your are in our prayers. . .
Posted by
3:10 PM
Categories: radio ministry