Thursday, April 28, 2005

Spotlight on. . . the Grace Juvenille Hall Ministry

As we seek to not just believe, but also live the Gospel on the Central Coast and beyond, it is so exciting to see our congregation getting involved in the community. Neat things are happening at out at the Juvenille Hall. Here's an encouraging report from Pastor Scott, our Pastor of Care & Community Ministries. . . .

God continues to grow the Juvenile Hall Ministry of Grace Church. Two years ago one man, Armand Boutte, started faithfully visiting the kids at the “Hall” once a week, building relationships with the kids and sharing with them the life-giving message of the Gospel. Today we have three teams of four to five people from Grace and Calvary SLO going Monday, Tuesday and Friday nights.

And the ministry continues to grow. Just last night (Tuesday April 26th) eight more people from Grace attended a Juvenile Hall orientation and facility tour to find out more about the ministry. God is opening doors for His people to reach these forgotten kids and His people are faithfully responding to His voice.

I can personally tell you that most of the kids staying at Juvenile Hall respond very positively to someone taking an interest in them. They want to hear about God and how they can be saved. It’s not always easy to relate with the kids and sometimes they ask tough questions but just being there tells them they are loved and not forgotten. Many young people have come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior over the last year and they continue to express a desire to live for him long after they’ve made a “decision” for Christ.

Recently one young man who had been convicted of murder was baptized by a member of our team. Just eighteen years old and headed to a maximum security prison this young man spoke boldly of his faith in Jesus in front of the other kids as well as six of the guards at his baptism. It was truly an awesome display of God’s redeeming power found in the gospel.

As you pray remember those in Juvenile Hall and the County Jail. Remember also the team from Grace and Calvary SLO who go and visit the prisoners. If you have questions about the ministry call me at Grace (543-2358) or e-mail me at:

For His Kingdom,
Pastor Scott


Anonymous said...

What time will they be there on Fridays? I have to do 12 hours of community service for one of my classes, and my chosen location was Juvenile Hall. I'll be there from 3:15-5:15 tomorrow (Friday). I'd love to meet up with the team if possible.

Suzette said...

Hey Scott,

I have been thinking a lot about the juvenile hall ministry. After seeing this on Tim's BLOG I have been wondering what I could do. I have been praying. When I see the updates on the prayer list I try to take the time to pray for each person by name and also for their families. I have been praying about what my cup of water for them could be. Other than prayer and visits (which I can't do right now) what are the little needs that they have. Would a card or letter be helpful? Would any of the people like a prayer partner? Do they all have Bibles? Are there any books that they could use? What about a nice bookmark with a great Bible verse?

Just wondering. I can't do a whole lot right now. But I would like to do something. I bet there are other people with limit time that feel the same way. Let me know if I could possibly help organize an effort to provide for these types of little needs.

Anonymous said...

Please consider introducing Heather’s story, a series of ebooks entitled “Her Letters from Prison”, to your readers and followers.

Heather Heaton's new ebook series ("Her Letters from Prison") is an inspirational resource for reading pleasure, review, contemplation, and discussion.

Heather's own testimony: "God changed my life in prison!"

"Her Letters from Prison" (Parts 1 & 2) will validate your inquisitive thoughts and doubts about what goes on in women’s prisons (It is what it is!); and it can justify the efforts spent toward women’s prison ministries. These two ebooks can be a motivational (tell-it-like-it-is) resource for drug rehab/prevention and reentry programs, especially when combined with "Her Letters from Prison – Part 4: Recycled – Second Time Around".

"Her Letters from Prison" is a non-fiction, inspirational, romance ebook series; with Heather's original letters (with prison art) included as images for authenticity. Heather's story describes how female offenders are perceived and handled (often abused) in the criminal justice system. The story continues (Part 4) to describe Heather's first two years of re-entry back into the real world and how she ended a destructive narcissistic-codependent relationship.

"Her Letters from Prison: Women-in-Prison" (Part 3) contains two PowerPoint presentations prepared for the University of Alabama/Women's Studies "Women in Prison" conference. Both presentations are based on Parts 1 & 2 of Heather's story; and they are entitled "Women-in-Prison (Almost Invisible)" and "Women-in-Prison (Facts/Myths)". Also, Heather's personal testimony is included in the Part 3 publication.

You can go to, and click on a direct link to Heather's and/or Smashwords "book pages" for “Her Letters from Prison”. Alternatively, you can visit Heather’s author pages:

Heather’s ebooks are also available in paperback format. The paperback book ("Her Letters from Prison") may be obtained by contacting Heather through her website "contact" form. The paperback book contains Part 1, 2, and 3 ebooks. "Her Letters from Prison - Part 4" will be published as its own paperback book soon.

Thanks for your time and consideration.

Heather Heaton