I have no idea . . .
Studying up for next week's message on a Monday morning, I came upon this great quote from D. A. Carson which relates to yesterday's message and the relationship between the "Divine Plan" and the "Human Plot":
If you're struggling with this issue and wish to do some more reading on the subject, check out Carson's book entitled Divine Sovereignty & Human Responsibility.The divine necessity for the sacrifice of the Son of Man, grounded in the Word of God, does not excuse or mitigate the crime of betrayal. Nor is this an instance of divine "overruling" after the fact. Instead divine sovereignty and human responsibility are both involved in Judas's treason, the one effecting salvation and bringing redemption history to its fulfillment, the other answering the promptings of an evil heart. The one results in salvation from sin for Messiah's people, the other in personal and eternal ruin.
My boys were obviously listening Sunday morning. For the last two days, they have been running around the house using the phrase, "Ah have no ideeeaaaa". And they think it's hilarious.
Great sermon on Sunday! I listened to a John Piper sermon after Sunday's message and it helped answer some of my questions about God's plans & man's plans. It is called "What is the Will of God and How Do We Know It?" I got it from the Desiring God website. Check it out if you are interested:
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