Thursday, January 24, 2008

What's going on in there?


Here are some recent remodel pics of what will become our Early Childhood Center and Founder's Hall.

As you can see, things are pretty torn up. I don't think I knew it was going to be this drastic. Now I know why it's costing so much. We are shooting for a September 2008 Grand Re-Opening. Its going to be a great space that will serve our families and the community for years and years to come.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.


Anonymous said...

photos not workin'

Anonymous said...

Ignore that.

I have my firefox settings pretty tight and it wasn't working there.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Exciting! But kinda sad to see Bonnie's beautiful nursery mural in the middle of the chaos... Will it survive?

Anonymous said...

Amazing! I guess I need to plan another visit back to good ol' SLO town.