10/13/05 Thursday Thoughts
• I've been sucked into the baby zone, where everything slows down, all goals and life tasks are suspended and subsumed to the task of integrating a new infant to the family. I am trying to enter into these fleeting days and take time to just hold little Haaken while at the same time give appropriate attention to the three others. One of the many seasons of life. Can't fight it, have got to go with it. Blogging has taken a back seat to baby. . . for a time.
• Who is sufficient for these things? I take great comfort that Paul asked that question, too. I can be a pretty good Pastor OR I can be a pretty good husband/father. The challenge is being both at the same time. Both roles seem to require more than I have to give to them. Anybody else feel that way regarding your multiple callings? Please say, "Yes!" (Remember: Weak is the new strong!) • Struggling with a pretty bad cold this week. Sleeping on the couch. Tickle on Sunday turned ugly. Appreciate your prayers!
• Elders and Pastors are getting away for a Friday evening/all day Saturday retreat to seek the Lord and His vision for Grace in the coming years. I'm trying hard not to overscript and overprogram, but leave room for the Spirit to move. Appreciate your prayers for our time.
• Dan Krull, a friend and CCC missionary to Krygistan will be filling the pulpit this week. We'll be continuing our series, "Gospel Centered Community" and remembering together that a Gospel-centered community is a "Missional Community." Having Dan preach has allowed me to focus on our retreat. Some at Grace know Dan and Dina well from past days serving on Cal Poly's Campus.
As much as I wish there were multiple weekly postings, I understand the need for such communications to take a back seat with a new baby in the family. (Can't say that I speak from experience, but I've heard it's tough. I'm sure people will remind me of this fact when I have a kid.)
I definitely feel like I'm way in over my head sometimes. Being both a good leader in the college group and a good student at Poly are tough. I'm always amazed at how I can push myself so far, and then I come to a point where I can't take it anymore. It forces me to fall (sometimes literally) on my knees and confess to God that I can't do it on my own, that I desperately need His help to get through it. Such a refreshing experience. God's grace is definitely sufficient for me.
I will definitely be praying for your cold and your time on your retreat. I'm sure that it will be a blessing to all.
Thanks for sharing your heart with us.
Working a full time job and being heavily involved in the high school group? I never feel overwhelmed!
Wait, that's not true at all. :)
i will praying for you! seasons come and go but the Lord will remain. he is the One constant in the midst of change.
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