Great little article here about strength through weakness, a poor husband named John Wesley and a depressed preacher named Charles Spurgeon.
This is what it's all about...
Plucked out of the Burning
Contemplating and pursuing life together at Grace Church, SLO
Great little article here about strength through weakness, a poor husband named John Wesley and a depressed preacher named Charles Spurgeon.
This is what it's all about...
Plucked out of the Burning
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8:41 AM
This is a great article quickly summing up the ongoing conflicts of two natures that we deal with! It seems we have so little time to connect with one another that we wrongly assume others "have it all together" since they smile and say hello on a Sunday morning. We also wrongly decide that if a person doesn't "have it all together" then they can't be spiritual; they must have some unresolved sin and therefore have nothing to offer. My current favorite music project to listen to over and over is Casting Crowns Lifesong CD. There is a song called "Stained Glass Masquerade" that must be quoted here. "Is there anyone that fails? Is there anyone that falls? Am I the only one in church today feeling so small? 'Cuz when I take a look around everyone looks so strong I know they'll soon discover that I don't belong. So I tuck it all away like everything's okay; if I make them all believe it maybe I'll believe it too. So with a painted grin I play the part again so everyone will see me the way that I see them." Are we ever going to really accept people being who they are without putting a judgment face on? So glad to see you holding up the reality TIm! If giants of the faith like Wesley and Spurgeon had their issues, and God has used them so mightily then it must be okay for me to be me and know that God will do His will in me and through me to His glory! And that is truth for anyone who bears His name!!
This article brings to mind my Dad's Christian relatives. My Dad is basically "inoculated" against Christianity as a reaction to the faults of his Christian missionary family members (his dad was born in Burma and his mom lived as a child in China). Since he is living in our house I wonder are our lives showing Christ? Or is his heart hardening further in reaction to our faults?
All Christians have faults. I read this and I am tempted to excuse my faults as inevitable and impossible to change. It can seem like there are a thousand things that I can never get right. The more I come to know Christ the more I see how far I fall short. And people are watching me - I may be the only Jesus they see. Talk about pressure. Of course sitting around and beating myself up about it never helped. And beating other people up about their faults won't help them either. Falling flat on your face is so embarrassing. It is very tempting to say "Why try?" Also tempting is to make it easier some how. Say "I'll try to do this, but I know I can't do that." In no time at all the list of "this" becomes very short and "that" very long.
After struggling with it over the years, I have had the best success with the attitude of "Pile it up as high as the sky - the whole weight of the world - the examples of all the godly saints." And then give it all to the Lord. "Here it is: my day, my time, my faults, my poor health, my little skills and all that stuff I need to do and not do. HELP ME! Do what you will with it Lord." God seems to prefer the "slow motion miracle." He has build up my spiritual muscles just a little bit each day when I keep this attitude. If I get discouraged I can look back over the miracles God has done in my life and in my family. I just need to stay in the game (persevere).
Like - I truly did not think I could loose weight. I have trouble exercising because of my health and food is a ready comfort when my muscles are aching. But God proved me wrong. Over the last year I have lost almost 40 lbs. (curious? See ). Will the weight stay off? Only by His grace.
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