Monday, April 21, 2008

Christ and the Passover

Wow! Last night's presentation of Christ and the Passover was so great. Dr. Tuvya Zaretsky, from Jews for Jesus was funny, passionate and warm in sharing his own story and the Passover story.

I learned so much. And I was encouraged by the turnout. I'm guessing we had 200+ attend. If you missed it, you missed out. . . but neverfear, we've got the audio posted HERE.

If you were there, share something you learned here at Life Together.

I hope we can bring back Dr. Zaretsky next year and the year after that. . . .


Travis Thompson said...

I wasn't able to make the presentation (bit of a commute from Washington) but last night I went to a Sader (sp?) dinner with my Dad and a Jewish friend of his. It was very interesting, very different. I do really appreciate the rich history and tradition involved in passover. I'll make sure to listen to the audio.

Travis Thompson said...

Ok, so I listened. Great info. It's such a different sounding gospel than we're used to I think, but it's the Gospel none the less.

One thing that struck me that I love is how Dr. Zaretsky (and the guests at the Sader dinner last night) always refer to Isreal in Egypt as "us" they join in with the ancestors fully in the exodus experience. One thing (among so many) Christians could really learn from Jews.

I plan to make the passover dinner a tradition in my family, it was fun and a rich experience that expands my understanding of Jesus.

Thanks Pastor Tim!

PS does his name (Tuvya) mean "God is Good" or something along those lines in Hebrew?

Tim said...

Miss you guys, Travis. Glad you're still reading LT once in a while. Hope all is going well. . . Tim