Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Gospel & Your Marriage at SLO High

Today at noon I've been asked to come and share my 10.19.08 message on God's Purposes for Marriage at the SLO High Christian Club. A great opportunity indeed!

Not sure who is going to be there, but I am hoping many non-believers. I'm encouraged that the Christian Club is grappling with real life issues.

Once more, my goal will be to clearly present what the Bible says about the place and value of marriage.

Pray that I might be clear, but winsome . . . gentle, but not pull any punches . . . compassionate toward sinners, but straightforward about sin and its ravages.

Speaking of high school students, I've been much encouraged by Pastor Toddd's recent decision to shift the Student Ministries' small group model toward the all-church Growth Group model as a way of encouraging integration of students in our worship services. I know it has not been a decision that has been popular among all, but already I'm hearing great feedback from high school students who are attending worship and/or listening over the web and working through "the Gospel for Real Life." We are growing together in the same direction.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So I know it's been about a month and a half. But how did your presentation/talk go at SLOHS?