Friday, February 27, 2009

let the experimentation begin . . .

You should be receiving this today via email . . .

Beloved Family of Grace,

If you've read my blog, you know this was coming. In our efforts to trim our expenses a bit in line with present economic realities, we are going to be experimenting with the ways we communicate to you. We see this as a season to try some things, be flexible, evaluate and adjust along the way.

So here are 2 things we are going to try immediately . . .

  1. Our beautiful and informative Life@Grace will move from to weekly publication to a monthly publication. It will be available at the door on your way in and out on the first Sunday of the month and at the two Welcome Centers, and in welcome bags throughout the month. Life@Grace has been and will continue to be available for download at the website at To download this week's Life@Grace, CLICK HERE.

  2. We will begin sending a Weekly Life@Grace Email to those who want it. This weekly email, written by one of our Ministry Staff, will give you information regarding the coming week of ministry at Grace. Our initial goal is to keep this email SHORT. . . . roughly no longer than a single screen length. (My screen might be longer than yours!) Consider this email is your email for this week. Reply to this email with the words UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject field to not receive these emails.

If you need information or have questions about an upcoming event, go to the website at or call the church office (543.2358).

So here's 3 things you need to know this week. . .

  1. Its Missions Week. A great week to lift our heads and be reminded about what God is doing in the world. I'm kicking things off this week with a message "Why Missions?" from Psalm 96. Feel free to read ahead. Visiting missionaries will be in Adult Bible Fellowships and Growth Groups throughout the week. The NVision Conference is happening next Friday and Saturday evenings, March 6 & 7 from 6:30 - 9:00. Its a crash course of the Biblical basis of missions, the history of missions and what's happening in missions today. I'll be there. Hope you'll consider joining me. You can sign up right now by CLICKING HERE.

  2. The Ladies Salad Supper is this Monday, March 2. To RSVP, call 546-0522 press 5 then 6 or email Women's Ministry Director Debbi Weeks at

  3. Housing Needed. We're looking for some overnight housing for those coming to perform as part of the Moody Bible Institute Concert, on Thursday Mar. 12. Call or email Pastor Al at, if you can take one or 5 students for the night.

That's it for this week. Thanks for flexing with us as we strive to be good stewards of the Lord's resources. Your feedback and suggestions are always invited.

Because of and for the Gospel. . . . Pastor Tim

1 comment:

Janice Phillips said...

Love it! I look forward to flexing!