Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Worship Quote of the Week

Pastor Al subscribes to the Worship Quote of the Week. Often he forwards me quotes he likes. He sent me this one this morning. Expresses well what we are trying to do here at Grace, don't you think?

We must be more Christ-centered in our worship services. When it comes to our songs, we must be concerned about the theology in the lyrics. . . . Our songs need to retell the Jesus story. If you want to see power reenter your worship services, just start singing about Jesus again.

Furthermore, our preaching needs to celebrate Christ. The more I think of my preaching as an act of worship and not merely as an act of exhortation, the more gospel I will have in my messages. Teach the Bible, but for heaven’s sake, preach Christ. The pulpit is not the place to share ideologies and opinions but the place to gossip the gospel. Declare the mighty acts of God."



Anonymous said...

I agree with that quote. I think all too often, contemporary worship songs tend to focus more on us than they do on Christ. I've been accused of being too focused on the "worshipfulness" of they lyrics before, but I think this quote accurately portrays some of my thoughts on the subject.

What are your thoughts, Pastor Tim? Is it OK to sing worship songs that lean more towards us as worshippers than the person being worshipped? Can they even be called worship songs if the focus isn't on Christ? I have a few songs in mind, but I don't want to inflame anyone in case it's their favorite "worship" song.

Anonymous said...

This may be a somewhat harsh view, but if I only have a little bit of time to worship why should I spend it singing about how we I'm GOING to worship? Maybe a word about how it is good to worship to get me thinking in the right direction, but let's get to it. Let's proclaim the glories of the Lord. Sing about His love, grace, mercy, power, faithfulness, kindness, compassion, holiness, joy, gentleness, righteous judgements, forgiveness, thorough cleansing, and the hope that He gives.

That thought about singing theology is very cool. I love it when I'm singing through a song and a phrase jumps out that I haven't really noticed before. Sometimes I'll think, is that really true? Then, I can trace it back to scripture and enjoy the truth of the Word in a new way.

The last song that we sang at the baptism I thought was great singing about the great hope we have and the marriage of the Lamb.

Suzette said...

I have been really enjoying the Jars of Clay cd "Redemption Songs" you recommended on the blog awhile back. Something about putting those old hymns to modern music really makes the lyrics jump out in a new way.